Contact Abraxas
Biography and influences
Track Listing
Guitars and equipment
Vital Statistics Thank yous and FAQ
Recording schedule and gigs
Interests goals and visions
Memorable performances
Pictures of Abraxas
More pictures of Abraxas
Abraxas being silly
Pictures of Abraxas as a kid
Pictures taken by Abraxas
Contact Abraxas
Buy the Album
Contacting Abraxas
To contact Abraxas please email his webmaster at:
Or, alternatively, you may use the following email:
Abraxas' webmaster Benjamin will forward all emails to Abraxas (as long as the content is appropriate).
Abraxas' personal website
When to contact Abraxas:
If you want to book him for a performance, session work, etc.
To ask a question about any information that is not on the site.
Just to talk or say hi.
To compliment his hair, teeth, shoes, singing, playing, etc.
To ask for an autograph.
When not to contact Abraxas:
Erm... to send hate mail.
Abraxas' other website
You can also find Abraxas online at